Here is the link from the 'tute' I used.
I basically used all of the same supplies from the tutorial verbatim...but here is a pic of how I made the actual box and what I used.
For the box itself, foam board, scissors, exacto knife, white duct tape or masking tape, and a yard stick should do nicely. The tutorial says not to use duct tape, but I'm a rebel. I'll let ya know how this works out for me.
I cut my notches just like he said to. Sometimes I like to listen.
Please pardon cluttered dining room table and poor picture quality. This is the box before I trimmed down my excess edges and cut out my "trap door"
I picked up a few inexpensive clip lights at Lowe's I really wish I had gotten a fourth one. What was I thinking? But anywhosies...this is the box, trap door and all. Ta-Da!
Here are a couple of pictures I took to demonstrate.
Here are a couple of pictures I took to demonstrate.
The necklace I was wearing.
The nearest book sitting on my work table. I love this book. Soon I will show you it's bounty.
So, there you have it! My version of the world's most awesome tutorial for a home made lightbox. I would say, from start to finish it took me about one hour, and total cost was roughly around $40 but only because I needed lightbulbs, otherwise I would say about $38 :)